If you’re no stranger to anxiety and the dreaded symptoms that it brings to the party, you may have experimented with pharmaceutical options. Most people don’t suggest this option because they say they don’t feel like themselves on the anti-depressants that are prescribed and that they can cause quite a bit of drowsiness––that’s if it doesn’t just knock you out! Alternatively, CBD works naturally with your endocannabinoid system and your central nervous system in a way to balance everything out. Your endocannabinoid system is a direct link to your mood because it has an effect on your serotonin levels in that way. With all of that being said, let’s check out some common situations that are undoubtedly anxiety triggers and how CBD can help!
The Big Exam
Many of us have dealt with stress and anxiety when it comes to test-taking. Whether you’ve studied all night, or you haven’t studied at all, you’re bound to experience a little bit of nervousness because you’re worried about how well you’ll score. Not to worry! There are some amazing products that are on the market these days that will relax the mind but also work to give you an added layer of focus and concentration with ingredients like GABA, Taurine, and L-Theanine. So, you can avoid this trigger completely and breeze through your exam with flying colors!
Meeting The In-Laws
This is a nerve-racking event that every couple endures. Once you’ve been with someone for so long, it’s only natural that you both and have to meet the parents, especially if you guys are planning on tying the knot! This occasion can induce all kinds of fear and anxiety! Your brain is swimming in a dozen different hypothetical outcomes, and you just can’t stop worrying about if they’re going to like you. For this trigger, you can employ some CBD Gummies. They’re yummy, convenient, and don’t take that long to kick in so you can keep some in your purse or back pocket if things start to take a turn for the worst. Gummies are a great option for this situation because they are pre-measured out in dosages as low as 5 mg, so you won’t get super drowsy, groggy, and seem suspicious in the eyes of the parentals! You’ll be calm, cool, and confident––all important in making a good first impression!
Presentations Or Speeches
Public speaking is one of those things that terrifies a huge chunk of society! Most of us don’t have to worry about getting up in front of a crowd of people to give a presentation or a speech, and that’s why this can trigger anxiety in the best of us. It’ll seem like those anxiety symptoms have never hit harder as your palms start to sweat and a lump forms in your throat––and then the room starts to spin! Avoid this trigger by keeping a CBD Vape Pen handy. These pens are the perfect choice for this situation because they are the quickest method of ingestion and bioavailability. It only takes a few minutes to feel the effects. This way, you can deliver your presentation with style, grace, and ease!
Major Life Changes
As we navigate through our lives we’re bound to experience a wide range of life changes. It’s part of life and it’s part of growth––pretty much inevitable. These major life changes can include relocating to another city or country, marriage or divorce, having a baby, buying your first home, and so many other instances and experiences. These changes are often exciting, but still, makes us anxious because we’re chartering into unknown territory. When you’re navigating through these new experiences you can keep some CBD of your choice with you to keep yourself calm and centered because in situations like this anxiety can seem to linger for a bit.
Dealing With Finances
Money. That green stuff that makes the world go round. We never seem to have enough of it, and that’s where the issue comes into play. It’s reported that 72% of the US population has stress and anxiety related to finances. It probably has a lot to do with the fact that the federal minimum wage average across the US is only around $7.00 or $8.00 dollars, and that’s if you’re lucky enough to have a job because unemployment is at an all-time high. Finances have always seemed to equal stress, but you can avoid those uneasy feelings with the CBD product of your choice. Going over your finances won’t become a trigger if you’ve got that underlying layer of chill.
Life can take you by surprise if you let it. Adding some CBD to your regimen can help you stay prepared for those things life tosses your way surprisingly from time to time. You’ll see that when you’ve got CBD on your side those triggers don’t even phase you in the same way, and that makes all the difference in the world!